这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么


这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么


老爷子个人描述里的“I'm just an old fart who knows nothing.”莫名虐心。诚然,在和平年代像老爷子这样头脑精明的人能够发挥出极大的社会科学效益,然而在战争年代,却只能被当成拖油瓶一样的存在。尊老爱幼的次级社会道德也比不过生存的首级本能,然而坐在电脑屏前无冻饿之虞逞消遣之快的我,权当是提升操作难度而已,老爷子上门来二话不说也收了,似乎这样就可以避免自问若真放在战争年代会否为这样一位行动力弱的老人打开大门的道德问题。

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么




"I've been running into either unsufferable rubes or outright criminals. But I feel that you're different. And for a scientist with an established position like me, the company of people of comparable mental capacity is paramount. Besides.. ah, bloody hell, I can't stand faking it anymore! I'm just an old fart who knows nothing. I'm so grateful for your company. I've been out there alone for too long. Way too long."

Anton's Story


"I'm so glad to be here. I apologize for my introductory tirade. But this war has taken a heavy toll on my mind. Some people who are... who were very dear to my heart gave me an order to stay alive at all costs. And since I owe them my life, it's no longer mine to throw away."

"I was factually precise about my status in the academia. I was nominated for the Fields Medal once - it's like the Nobel Prize in mathematics. I'm... I used to teach and enjoyed it quite a lot. This, in turn, is in a way responsible for the impact the war had on me. I was trying to protect my brightest students for months, only to become a witness to them being killed ruthlessly."

"After the destruction of the university, we ran and hid. We lived in basements for endless months. We crawled through dark passages and hunted vermin to delay starvation. I saw my pupils go mad from fear, lack of hope, and deprivation. We huddled together in cellars like worms under a stone, listening to the roar of explosions, waiting for the merciful death."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Anton is alive.

" While war left deep marks on Anton's character, he returned to teaching with new found determination. And while too old for the Field Medal, he's still eligible for the equally prestigious Able Prize."

Alternate ending

"Anton managed to stay alive but war scarred him for life. He never again found the courage to attach emotionally to anyone and devoted himself entirely to the pursuit of abstract knowledge."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Anton is dead.

"Anton will never get his award. Despite his students sacrifice, he did not manage to survive. The theorem he can prove, the students he could lead and inspire - all gone."




这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么



"I'm a simple girl from the hood, and I know life. Street raised me more than my father did. That old sot beat me whenever he felt like it and knew how to make it hurt. That's all over now, he bit the dust in the first days of the war. I've been a cat burglar since I turned 14, you know how it is. I'm better at it than anyone you know and I can sneak like a fox. You'd be a fool kicking me out."

Arica's Story



End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Arica is alive.

Good Ending

"After the war Arica gave her father a symbolic funeral, and kept his picture. Despite the horrors she witnessed, she managed to start a family and tried to be a better parent than her father had been."

Alternate Ending

"Arica survived the war, though remained mistrustful of others. The horrors she'd witnessed made it difficult for her to find friends. She was afraid of starting a family, not believing she'd make a good parent."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Arica is dead.

"Tough girl as she was, Arica died. Harsh reality of living in a ghetto could not be compared to the horrors of war. What would have become of her if she'd survived? We will never know"

The following text will appear when the game ends and Arica has left the shelter.

"Arica left the shelter without a word. She resurfaced later on as a juvenile gang leader."


收纳帝,和平年代可作香港代购人肉贴身过关,一次17个iPhone6 plus妥妥的稳赚

脚有些跛但能扛得比谁都多,有一点缺陷但仍然在战争年代将自己所剩的优势发挥到机制。17说自己是一个“regular guy”, "not big with words",看上去就像一个平凡的屌丝,比羸弱的屌丝要壮上那么一点,当然更羡煞屌丝的是有一个漂亮的女朋友。战争改变了多少平凡人的生活呢,经历过战争炮火洗礼的平凡人,他们的人生,究竟是残缺了,还是因此变得更完整呢?

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么



"I'm not big with words. I'm just a regular guy. I used to stack stuff on the night shift at a warehouse, by hand mostly. It was tough work but I was always strong, even when I was a kid. Now this place is gone, shelled to hell, and so is my house. My foot was crushed under the rubble. It has healed, but it's still a bit stiff, so I can't run very fast. But I can carry more than anyone I know."

Boris' Story


"I had a beautiful girlfriend, Ana. We had a kid. A wonderful son. Luka was just like me, he was only seven and already stronger than all the other kids. I bet he would've grown up to become a great weight lifter, as I always wanted to be. If I had saved him."

"When we were hiding in the basement, after they hit our house, we quickly ran out of food and had very little water. I could not move much because of my foot, and Ana saved us both. She was a great mother, a real hero. Ana used to go out at night and she was bringing us everything we needed."

"One day Luka fell ill with the runs, turned out he'd drunk water from a puddle. "I'm sorry daddy. I ate peanuts and I was terribly thirsty." Salted peanuts. This is not proper food for a child. Soon, he was getting weaker by the hour. Ana said she'd get him meds. She must've felt guilty for she didn't bother to wait for the sunset before she went out."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Boris is alive.

"Boris won over everything that war threw at him and used his grit and strength to help others rebuild their lives. The memory of Ana's sacrifice and Luka's faith supported him till the end of his days"

Alternate Ending (boris survives sad or worse)

"Boris managed to see the end of the war and tried to put his life back together, mostly to no avail. The memory of his son's and girlfriend's fate haunted him till the end of his days."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Boris is dead.



这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么



"Before the war I used to own a restaurant. I even had my own TV show: "Bruno's Cuisine". I'm sure you've seen it. I visited beautiful places where I was filmed cooking exquisite dishes. All that seems of no importance now, don't you think? Nowadays, you're lucky if you get your hands on some canned meat or a bag of rice. And who knows how long this war is going to last."

Bruno's Story


"I used to be an optimist - one of those people who'd have sworn that war wouldn't come. Wars happened far away, in third-world countries. Or so I thought. Even when I was listening to the news getting scarier day by day, I did not believe all that was about to happen."

"I have a dearest friend who always worried a lot. One day she called me, terrified, saying there was a riot outside, the secessionists were inciting the crowd to burn the town hall. I told her not to worry. And I was right! Nothing came of it - this time. But even when the riots and fights became everyday news, I kept assuring her it would all blow over soon."

"I was in my restaurant, watchng the patrons argue over their dinner and not really noticing the news showing some heavy fighting, when it hit me: they're showing Pogoren outskirts! It's my town! Where my friend lives! I don't know what I was hoping for when I rushed out the door and to the bus station."

"It was too late. The siege was on, we were already cut off, all rides to my town were cancelled. And it was also too late to do anything for my friend, anyway. I should've had thought about that before I lulled her into a false sense of security. I don't know what happened to her. Most likely I'll never learn, but I fear the worst."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Bruno is alive.

"After the ceasefire Bruno set off looking for his friend. Her neighborhood saw heavy fighting and the majority of housing had been reduced to ruins, but she found shelter in the basement which somehow held. Despite the hardships she managed to survive and was happy to see Bruno alive aswell. They remain friends to this day."

Alternate Ending

"After the ceasefire Bruno went looking for his friend. Her neighborhood saw heavy fighting, and most of the houses had been reduced to ruins, but she found shelter in the basement which held. Eating rats and scavenging scraps of food, she somehow managed to survive. Bruno felt responsible for her misery. He has never forgiven himself."

Worse Ending? "After the ceasefire Bruno went looking for his friend. Her neighborhood witnessed heavy fighting, and most of the houses were reduced to ruins. She was nowhere to be found, and her neighbors did not know what happened to her. Bruno never saw her again."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Bruno is dead.

"Despite his valiant struggle, Bruno didn't make it through the war. The fate of his friend he was worried about remains unknown"

The following text will appear when the game ends and Bruno commits suicide.

"After having lost all hope, Bruno tied the noose around his neck. His last thoughts were of his lost friend, and what could have been but not meant to be."


二老开局为了维持生计被我拖出去跑地图,酝酿半天的背刺才掉半管血愣是被人反击直接死在@@11954@@下,让我想起海明威的那句“在现代战争中,人可能像一条狗一样毫无意义地死去。”大妈的自我介绍里也细数自己那些为数不多的能力:“I have good administrative and logistical skills.”“I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids.”“I have a driver's license.”大妈自己也醒悟过来这只是个笑话,我们在和平年代拥有的一切,放到战争年代的价值尺码下衡量都不值一文。细细清算下我们的“资本”吧,出色的学历,体面的薪资,以及单刷副本无伤过关的风骚操作什么的,乍看上去比大妈似乎多样了些,但是终归也逃不过大妈对其拥有的一切的总结——“won't be of any use, given the circumstances”傻子才会在和平年代为自己积累战争年代所需的生存技能,头顶上空来回飞的似乎只可能是鸟而不是炮弹,但是一旦确实是炮弹,设想一觉醒来突兀的战火就爆发在自己的身边,大妈选择了勇敢地去面对,面对这样一位几乎一无所适还身带残疾的大妈,你的操作请带点诚意,帮她重见自己念念不忘的学生和孩子们脸上绽放的笑靥。Description

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么


"Oh dear, that is embarrassing. I know I'm not much of an asset in this terrible situation. I have good administrative and logistical skills, which won't be of any use, given the circumstances. I'm told I'm a good caregiver - I really love kids. On the other hand, perhaps it's good that they don't have to suffer here with us... What else? I have a driver's license... sorry, that was my poor attempt at a joke."

Cveta's Story


"It's terribly quiet here, don't you think?... Ah, no, of course not, what with all the shooting and bombing. I just mean... This is my job conditioning showing, I'm afraid. You see, I'm a teacher. An elementary school principal."

"With the start of the siege, the attendance fell, as many parents chose to keep their kids home. One young man advised me to cover the windows with mattresses from the gym. "That's silly, children need the light to read", I said, "and besides, it's not like anyone is going to target the school!""

"Parents were right. Just to appease their fears, I moved the classes to more sheltered rooms. And that saved the children when the army landed a shell right in front of the school - the window panes shattered, but the hail of glass shards fell on empty benches and seats. We covered the windows after that."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta is alive.

"The war didn't extinguish the flame that drove Cveta to give everything to her calling. And one day, she got a visit from a former pupil - the same who made a frantic call one Friday to make sure that his old school had really been evacuated."

Alternate Ending

"Cveta saved her own life, but not the internal fire that gave it a purpose. Disillusioned and bitter, she never returned to teaching and withdrew from public life, scraping a living on her meager disability pension"

The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta is dead.

"What answers could have Cveta found for all the difficult questions her pupils could pose, had she lived to see the end of the war? Now the children will have to find them on their own."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Cveta commits suicide.

"Bitter, unable to face the harsh reality of war any longer, Cveta committed suicide. Her students will have to rely on someone else to help them recover from the trauma of war."


这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么



"Now that we're stuck together, I might as well tell you about me and my family. Father was a very practical man. He always reminded us of the importance of financial safety. That's why I became a lawyer like him, and my sister was to become a doctor. When the war broke out, we had a lot of savings on our family account. But the currency soon lost all value, the banks were closed and we had no foreign cash. In a matter of days we became poor."

Emilia's Story


The following text appears as entries in Emilia's diary on varying days.

"We lived in an expansive villa, with spacious bright rooms and large windows. To protect ourselves from stray bullets and splinters, we installed a double bed and a small heater in a cozy dressing room on the ground floor. We spent most of our time there, talking, reading, listening to music and playing games to stave off boredom."

"When the banks closed, father opened the safe box and pulled out a small chest. "Cheer up, girls", he said, "we aren't broke yet!" Then he went to the marketplace and brought back fresh peaches. He kept trading jewelry for food every day. We also received humanitarian aid, like everybody else. So it wasn't bad, apart from the isolation. But father wanted us to be safe."

"One day father fell ill, so I had to go to the market. My fears proved unfounded, as nothing bad happened to me on the way. But when I was coming home, I saw smoke over our street. Our house was on fire. I couldn't get inside, the smoke was too thick. Dreading the worst, I started calling my father and sister. Nobody answered. Then I found them in the backyard."

"My father and sister were dead. The neighbors told me that the militia members entered the house claiming they were looking for Grazni informants. They interrogated and killed my family and before setting fire to the house, they took everything valuable that was still there. I'm sure it was the real reason for their visit."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Emilia is alive.

"After the war Emilia became a public prosecutor in Pogoren. She used her law expertise in the trials of war criminals who were brought to justice. She has never found out who the murderers of her family were, but deep inside she hopes they got what they deserved."

Alternate Ending "Emilia survived the war, but it has left its mark on her. She was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She had developed anxiety and hatred towards men. She opened her private legal office, but it hasn't been doing particularly well."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Emilia is dead.

"Emilia joined the long list of casualties of this destructive conflict. The fact that she was young and well-off didn't matter. War makes everyone equal."

If Emilia leaves the shelter due to depression the following text will appear:

"One night, Emilia took off alone and unnoticed. Unlike as it might sound, she surfaced years after the war as a corporated lawyer abroad."




这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

更多“Gets sad after”与其说是被官方遗漏了,我倒宁愿相信是官方认为工作量太大了。砍价姐是价值观/道德观没从和平年代成功过渡过来的人物典型,这也是为什么她的一喜一悲、满足与沮丧、对人物行为的评价同玩家是最贴近的,然而有的时候则变相成为了拖累,别人在外面浴血奋战带回补给维持生计,她什么都没做还在家里垂头丧气BB道德沦丧。或许战争在这种承受力相对脆弱的人身上烙下的印记是最深的,砍价姐的勇敢意外地体现在敢于用笔杆子重揭这些战时留下战后愈合的疮疤,整个游戏背景下大的话语场同砍价姐一贯持守的道德观是如此的一致,甚至可以把她的情绪看成官方给的一面镜子,想要好结局,不想出坏结局的话,还是想方设法多让砍价姐满足,少让她悲伤为妙,谁知道TWoM的脚本是不是根据砍价姐日后获奖的作品改编而成的呢,你看看,甭管哪个结局,甭管砍价活了还是死了,横竖书是出版了。



" I grew up in this city, but went abroad to study and started working as a reporter. I'd been away for years. When the troubles escalated into a war, I was picked to write reports on it. I'd have volunteered anyway. I was so anxious to check on my parents. But it was too late. I found my house in ruins, my family had disappeared. I've been looking for them ever since. "

Katia's Story


"I've been around more than any of my friends and relatives. I've met famous people, readers found my interviews funny and incisive. But when I try to write down my experiences... I'm stuck. I want to find and hug my folks, not write about them. I wish I had been seeing them more often."

"This city used to welcome everybody with open arms. I love the old town cafes where I could meet new friends from all over the world. Will people ever become this easygoing again? If we make it through, I must do what I can to help them remember how it was. Because we can accomplish a lot if we just stand together."

"I was about to leave my parents' neighborhood empty-handed when an aquiantance halted me and said that there was a "situation" I could help with. The army had arrested a local beauty under some cooked up charges. I guess it doesn't need explaining what she was wanted for. The locals pooled the ransom money and needed someone to deliver it."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Katia is alive.

"Katia used her contacts to find her parents in a refugee camp abroad. She brought them back to the city and helped them rebuild their house. Soon after that she published her war diary, which became a bestseller and drew widespread attention to the fate of civilians during war."

Alternate Ending

If Katia leaves the shelter.

"Katia left the shelter one night, leaving behind her war diary. It was passed to her distraught parents, who published it after a few years."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Katia is dead.

"Katia never found her parents, but they did find her grave one day with her war diary buried alongside. They published it without any alterations. It became a bestseller."



这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

3DM上曾经发起过一个投票,调查玩家认为最好用的人物是哪一个,投票结果15格高居榜首,罗曼位居其次,厨子第三。实际上若真正发生了战争,大家想想看,在一个破破烂烂的庇护所里,谁的技能才是第一需要?毫无疑问是工匠,且看他的自我介绍:"Something broke? I can fix it. Any worthless trash lying around? I can make plenty of useful stuff out of junk. And I don't waste material - all of them... parts, bits of wood, plastic pipes... and all the other... things. I know how to make tools, furniture, stoves, heaters, whatever. Given enough time, I can make this place look almost like a proper home. I wish it was equally simple with mine." 没错,游戏给人一种错觉,似乎任何人只要给块地盘并足够的零件器材都能生出个炉灶来,其实这是不可能的事,我们没有理由认为养尊处优的律师和纸上谈兵的数学家干这种粗活累活就跟上过技校一样顺手,若说记者、小偷和足球运动员能亲手组装出一个金属工作台也不是可能性多高的事。但是为了游戏平衡性考虑又不能将家具建造的能力全分配给工匠,虽然不可否认从人物描述上来看马林是最具备“鲁滨孙精神”的人(我当然不是指什么该死的老掉牙的资本主义上升时期的正面者典型,当然更不是指他习惯不穿内裤),鲁滨孙的标语是什么?给我一个失乐园,我还你一个复乐园。马林的标语则是,给我一个“place”,我还你一个“proper home”。

马林故事的核心就是一个照亮他生活的小男孩,不难猜测马林可能是膝下无子的(故事里提到妻子却没有提到孩子),因此与小男孩的secret trade更像是一种中年男人与小男孩之间类似友情、更似亲情的羁绊。幸存者里谈到自己儿女的非常少,17格和飞毛腿都有提到过自己的儿子,但是没有哪一个像马林这样将这种亲情提升到“once brightened his day”的高度。马林也是一个情绪易受影响的人,只是意外地执着,十二人的好结局都是一种开云见日,唯独马林的更加一层蓦然回首。

Marin's Story


"People treasure their possessions now. In the past, they just tossed out anything that broke. I had a hard time living off my workshop, customers were dropping bu once or twice a day, mostly like that old lady who had been using the same iron since she was a young bride and the world was brighter... But there were exceptions."

"One day a little boy brought his action figure with a broken arm. You can't glue that kind of plastic. Oh my, I said, this is serious, and his eyes welled up and I had no heart to turn him down, so I just told him to return the next day. I fixed it - trade secret - and then he saw it, his smile lit up the whole room. I don't know what became of him. The toy I found in the street after all went to hell."

"I was asked to make a set of burglary tools. I refused. Money was good, but I wanted none of it. I wish I knew those customers wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. They came for me when I was upstairs with my wife, fast asleep. I figure they couldn't force the shop door, so they just tossed a Molotov through the window. Our bedroom window."

"The flames were everywhere. I grabbed the sheets and tried to, tried to, you know. Smother the fire. But her hair - everything was burning. Everything was burned down. I escaped. I don't know how. I wish I had taken that job."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Marin is alive.

"Surviving the war, Marin set about finding the boy who once brightened his day. His efforts proved futile so he rebuilt his house and kept the action figure in the shop window. And one winter afternoon, the entrance bell rang and the familiar smile has once again filled Marin's workshop - and his life - with light."

Alternate Ending

"Marin cheated death again and saw the end of fighting. Although he remained plagued by the survivor's guilt, he set about rebuilding his life and soon he was running a small repair business, again. He kept the action figure on his workbench but never found the courage to look for its previous owner."

The following text will appear when the game ends and Marin is dead.

"These hardened hands will never again make anything right neither for Marin, nor for anyone else. The tragic story of this man came to an end. Maybe he finally found peace."



这是我的战争剧情内容 这是我的战争人物故事是什么

作为一个消防员,本应见惯各种凶险的大场面,这使得15在应对各种局面时表现得都不错,没有明显弱点,包裹容量更是仅次于收纳帝博里斯的15格,唯一一个单人开局,各种生存方法被玩家们研究得不亦乐乎,可以说是均衡展现各方面游戏性的存在。15的人物故事有点像17,然而开篇充满悲愤痛苦的控诉,以及第二篇对英雄救美娓娓道来的神采飞扬,同17心平气和地陈述“I'm just a regular guy”相比,到底是年轻人,多了几分情绪化的色彩。马可的好结局和普通结局差别非常细微,只在于好结局给出了一个语气肯定的陈述句:“Life went on.” 普通结局则是发出了疑问:“Would life ever be normal again?” 战争带来的创伤正是让人在对前一种肯定的状态的追求中,时不时折回到后者的迷惘状态中。



"I thought I'd been through hell before. I'm a fireman. I've entered blazing buildings to save lives more times than I care to remember. But back then I had people teamed up against a common foe namely the fire. Nowadays, your former neighbor can kill you because your grandparents spoke a different language than his. This is true hell on earth."

Marko's Story


The following text appears as entries in Marko's diary on varying days.

"Everyone should choose one happy memory. And it can't just be good, it has to be grand. When it gets so bad you just want to sit down and cry, when you life seems forfeit, you close your eyes and go back to your happy moment. It's not easy but you have to try."

"We were called to a tennant fire. I was still the new one on our team. We just started assembling the hoses, when a resident shouted that there was someone inside. I donned the mask, went in and carried out a young lady. Long story short, we got married soon after. Her name was Alina."

"We had two kids, two beautiful daughters. When the war started, she took them and moved to the country, to my mother. She wanted me to come but I'd never leave my team in times like these. We had a lot of fires to fight. Then, there were more fires than we could fight... and later on the team was no more. It turned out I couldn't leave the city."

"I've had no word from them for months now. There is no way to reach them, no phones, no mail, I've tried to give letters to strangers but haven't heard back. I'm starting to lose hope that I'll ever see my Alina and my daughters alive. And this slowly drives me crazy. I wish I could get my hands on whoever started this madness."

End Game


The following text will appear when the game ends and Marko is alive.

"After the war, Marko managed to find his family, who managed to avoid the worst atrocities hidden away by a friendly country family. They came back to Pogoren along with other people. Everything was back to normal in the city. Buildings were rebuilt. Schools and shops reopened. Life went on. "

Alternate Ending

"After the war, Marko set out to find his family. The refugees from the city had been brutally persecuted. Alina and the girls survived, but what they went through scarred them forever. Marko never spoke of the horrors he'd witnessed, either. Would life ever be normal again? "

Worse Ending?

"After the war, Marko set out to find his family. The refugees from the city had been brutally persecuted. There was no trace of Alina or the girls. Marko hoped against the odds they did not end up in one of the many mass graves scouring the countryside. Would he ever see them again?"

The following text will appear when the game ends and Marko is dead.

"For all of his efforts Marko was rewarded with a shallow grave. Maybe his wife and daughters will find it someday, on condition that they managed to survive the persecutions themselves. "

If Marko leaves the shelter due to depression the following text will appear when the game ends and Marko is dead.

"Marko slipped out of the shelter one night, leaving no notes behind. He died, betrayed by a smuggler, while trying to reach his family."
