《魔法门之英雄无敌7》技能解析攻略 进攻术、防御术、外交术


  进攻术 Offense

  With each skill rank you unlock, you will be granted X Offense points


  百步穿杨 - Achery - (新手)

  There is no half range penalty for ranged attacks.远程兵种将不再受射程影响。

  骁勇善战 - Battle Frenzy - (新手)

  The damage of melee creatures in the hero`s army is increased by X.英雄所带近战兵种伤害增加X点。

  箭无虚发 - Accuray - (新手)

  The damage of ranged creature in hero`s army is increased by X..英雄所带远程兵种伤害增加X点。

  故土作战 - Homeland - (专家)

  Governor: All friendly heroes fighting in the town`s area of control get +X Might.城镇管理者:在该英雄管理的城镇的控制范围内所有英雄战斗时力量加X。

  巨人杀手 - Giant Slayer - (专家)

  The hero`s creatures have +X attack when attacking or retaliating large (2x2) creatures.英雄所带兵种在攻击和反击大体型兵种时攻击增加X点。

  包抄大师 - Master Flanker - (大师)

  The flanking and full flanking bonus is increased by X.侧翼攻击的伤害加成增加X。

  攻无不克 - Perfect Offense - (宗师)

  The hero`s creatures` attack value is raised to match its targets` defense value automatically when attacking.英雄所带兵种在攻击时如果攻击低于目标防御,则攻击自动提升至和对方防御同水平。

